Sunday, May 6, 2012

Connection block diagram and Final 3D schematic

The 3D schematic was developed using Google SketchUp which included a potential orientation of the panels. Due to the limitations in the size of the cart and the weight of each panel, the only viable option was to place the panels horizontally. It was decided that two light sources, each capable of giving out 89000 lumens, would be directed from above utilizing separate stands.

Although initially it was decided to use just two digital ammeters and voltmeters at the charge controller and DC end of the inverter, later it was deduced that having more measuring devices would enhance the learning experience of students. Although this would incur an additional investment, this would not be that significant due to the low cost of these devices. Moreover, the type of wiring that will be incorporated in the system and methodology of implementing the connections to the various components were discussed.

Block Diagram with Electrical Connections

Final Version of 3D Schematic

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